“Supporting Wo-Men in Owning, Creating and Leading an
Empowered Life.”

At the core of my work, is vulnerability, I support from this utmost space. I merge the various modalities that I have been trained in and experience over the years and support people that I work with in taking ownership of their life.
Engagement Modalities:
Every individual is a whole in themselves, my focus rests on individualized and personal. The foundation of my works is based on the whole person philosophy, the intellect, emotional, physical, spiritual, vocational and social. The tools engaged:
Neuro Linguistic Programming
Neuro- Semantics
Trauma-Informed Yoga
Systemic Family Constellation
Organic Inquiry
The Way of the Circle
Women Wisdom
Structured personalized offerings for individual and group sessions for women and men
One to one coaching
Systemic Family Constellation Session
Empowered Living
Trauma-Informed Yoga
Circle Centered Facilitated Sessions/Workshops

Meet Megha
Hello, I am Megha, I call myself a facilitator, for at the heart of my work is the service that I am and I become for my fellows to ease their movements through their experiences and unfold their vision inside-out. I have been on the field of inner transformation for the last 10years. I am driven by an intense passion to help you take ownership of your response- abilities and become wholly “YOU” on your journey to impacting the world.
I serve you – individuals, leaders, coaches, facilitators, to deepen your self mastery so through inner ownership you are able to impact, to serve , to influence and to contribute in empowering life within, outside and around you. I guide you in connecting with your inner powers, in including your limited beliefs and choosing empowering ones and in working through your unprocessed life experiences across generations. I create a Unique Transformation Journey for you to move from where you are to where you want to be through one on one coaching, my signature workshops and customized sessions with my team of empaneled experts.
You are a powerful meaning maker and the ultimate creator of your life.
Imagine the quality of inner and outer life as you begin to create, lead and live intentionally and consciously?
I am in service of your life, your purpose and I am humbled to do this everyday!
““Daughter of Woman, your healing task is not to become a new, improved or changed person. Rather, it is to reclaim your natural and essential self in all its fullness. In the very beginning, you remembered yourself. You came into the world with feelings of omnipotence, not inferiority.” ― Patricia Lynn Reilly
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